Reconciliation (Confession)
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Tuesday evenings from 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM, and on Saturday mornings following the 8:00 AM Mass until 9:30 AM.
Preparation for First Reconciliation is offered within the preparation process for First Eucharist. For children in grades 1-5, please contact Kris Mulligan for more information. For youth in grades 6-12, please contact Tiffany Madsen. To register for those entering 6th grade through 12th grade please click on this link: .
For a reminder of the process and prayers in Reconciliation, please see the handout below from the USCCB. If you have any questions about the sacrament, please contact the parish office. You are always welcome to receive the healing power of God's grace!
Preparation for First Reconciliation is offered within the preparation process for First Eucharist. For children in grades 1-5, please contact Kris Mulligan for more information. For youth in grades 6-12, please contact Tiffany Madsen. To register for those entering 6th grade through 12th grade please click on this link: .
For a reminder of the process and prayers in Reconciliation, please see the handout below from the USCCB. If you have any questions about the sacrament, please contact the parish office. You are always welcome to receive the healing power of God's grace!