Parish Organizations and Groups
Calix Society is a spiritual program in the Catholic Church for those in recovery in AA or AL Anon. CALIX meets on First Fridays at 12:30pm in one of the rooms at the church. Please call the office for more information.
Chinese Bible Study Join us for Bible sharing both in Mandarin and Cantonese. For Mandarin, contact Robin at 909.965.0100. For Cantonese, contact Agnes at 702.271.3619. Please call and leave your information and your call will be returned.
Grief Support Group is for adults grieving the loss of a loved one. To register for the group, please contact Ellen Viola at 702.239.3248.
SJHOM Charismatic Prayer Group Come experience the power of God’s love through prayer, praise and teachings. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, in thanksgiving present your requests to God.” For more information contact Sherly Metchell at 310.940.4106.
SJHOM Pro-Life Group This group is dedicated to promoting the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Come join us for prayer and discussion of life issues and activities. For more information contact Greg Farina at 702.363.4299.
At 10 weeks old, an unborn baby can feel pain.
SJHOM Outreach Ministry All parishioners are encouraged to get involved with our Outreach Ministry. They meet once per month during the school year to discuss upcoming activities. The Outreach Ministry is in charge of the Monthly Food and Baby Items Collection, yearly collections for Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and more. Members make bag lunches twice a month for Catholic Charities Work Program, and prepare a hot lunch twice a month. Please contact Lynn Inskeep at [email protected] for more information.
SJHOM Seniors The SJHOM SENIORS meet on most Mondays. They bring nutricious snacks to share, play card games, and always have fun. You must be a Senior parishioner 60 or older to join. You are always welcome!
SJHOM Young Adult Group St. Joseph’s Young Adults meet as a faith-based group for ages 18-35 on most Fridays. Join us for book and Bible studies, socials, retreats and much more! Contact Tiffany Madsen at [email protected]. We hope you join us!
Workers of St. Joseph Members promote devotion to St. Joseph and wear the St. Joseph Medal of Unity and Protection, while praying daily for his intercession for all and striving to imitate his virtues. Devotions are on or around the 19th of each month, check the bulletin for details. For more information, call 702.236.5104.
Catholic War Veterans of the U.S.A., Inc. Our Lady of Peace, Post 1947 & Auxiliary is open to all Catholic active duty military and honorably discharged veterans, male or female, who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces (including Reserves & National Guard) during peace or wartime. Contact Dennis DeGree at 702.378.1766 for more information.
Knights of Columbus St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, Council 10442 Are you feeling called to serve the church or those who are less fortunate than you? The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic Men’s Fraternal, Family, and Service Organization in the world. Men just like you: fathers, sons, brothers and friends who work together worldwide, to support Churches, bishops, priests, seminarians, communities, and charitable causes through volunteer hours and fundraising. Contact Deputy Grand Knight Jerry Holton at [email protected]. Visit our website for updates:
Knights of Columbus 4th Degree membership is open to all 3rd Degree Knights. Contact Assembly Faithful Navigator SK Fred Smith at [email protected].
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Every wife, widow, mother, and daughter of a Knight in good standing, are invited to be active in our Ladies Auxiliary. We actively support and participate in all Council and Auxiliary events which include a wide variety of socials, charity work, and spiritual experiences. For more information contact Jackie Katrosits at 702.453.4126.
Legion of Mary The focus of the Legion of Mary is mission and evangelization work. For more information, please contact John N. Heil at 323.807.4220.
Perpetual Rosary of Our Lady to pray for our parish, our families, and for peace in the world. Members commit to their own hour, and day. For more information, or to change your hour, please contact Becki Brigandi at [email protected] or 904.377.3827 and leave a message.
Vladivostok Mission The group is supporting the mission and parish in Vladivostok and surrounding area. The mission is rebuilding the Catholic Church in Russia and helping many social programs; homeless kids, alcoholics anonymous, pro-life centers, elderly care, and more. For more information, please call Janie at 702.362.2277.
Chinese Bible Study Join us for Bible sharing both in Mandarin and Cantonese. For Mandarin, contact Robin at 909.965.0100. For Cantonese, contact Agnes at 702.271.3619. Please call and leave your information and your call will be returned.
Grief Support Group is for adults grieving the loss of a loved one. To register for the group, please contact Ellen Viola at 702.239.3248.
SJHOM Charismatic Prayer Group Come experience the power of God’s love through prayer, praise and teachings. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, in thanksgiving present your requests to God.” For more information contact Sherly Metchell at 310.940.4106.
SJHOM Pro-Life Group This group is dedicated to promoting the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Come join us for prayer and discussion of life issues and activities. For more information contact Greg Farina at 702.363.4299.
At 10 weeks old, an unborn baby can feel pain.
SJHOM Outreach Ministry All parishioners are encouraged to get involved with our Outreach Ministry. They meet once per month during the school year to discuss upcoming activities. The Outreach Ministry is in charge of the Monthly Food and Baby Items Collection, yearly collections for Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and more. Members make bag lunches twice a month for Catholic Charities Work Program, and prepare a hot lunch twice a month. Please contact Lynn Inskeep at [email protected] for more information.
SJHOM Seniors The SJHOM SENIORS meet on most Mondays. They bring nutricious snacks to share, play card games, and always have fun. You must be a Senior parishioner 60 or older to join. You are always welcome!
SJHOM Young Adult Group St. Joseph’s Young Adults meet as a faith-based group for ages 18-35 on most Fridays. Join us for book and Bible studies, socials, retreats and much more! Contact Tiffany Madsen at [email protected]. We hope you join us!
Workers of St. Joseph Members promote devotion to St. Joseph and wear the St. Joseph Medal of Unity and Protection, while praying daily for his intercession for all and striving to imitate his virtues. Devotions are on or around the 19th of each month, check the bulletin for details. For more information, call 702.236.5104.
Catholic War Veterans of the U.S.A., Inc. Our Lady of Peace, Post 1947 & Auxiliary is open to all Catholic active duty military and honorably discharged veterans, male or female, who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces (including Reserves & National Guard) during peace or wartime. Contact Dennis DeGree at 702.378.1766 for more information.
Knights of Columbus St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, Council 10442 Are you feeling called to serve the church or those who are less fortunate than you? The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic Men’s Fraternal, Family, and Service Organization in the world. Men just like you: fathers, sons, brothers and friends who work together worldwide, to support Churches, bishops, priests, seminarians, communities, and charitable causes through volunteer hours and fundraising. Contact Deputy Grand Knight Jerry Holton at [email protected]. Visit our website for updates:
Knights of Columbus 4th Degree membership is open to all 3rd Degree Knights. Contact Assembly Faithful Navigator SK Fred Smith at [email protected].
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Every wife, widow, mother, and daughter of a Knight in good standing, are invited to be active in our Ladies Auxiliary. We actively support and participate in all Council and Auxiliary events which include a wide variety of socials, charity work, and spiritual experiences. For more information contact Jackie Katrosits at 702.453.4126.
Legion of Mary The focus of the Legion of Mary is mission and evangelization work. For more information, please contact John N. Heil at 323.807.4220.
Perpetual Rosary of Our Lady to pray for our parish, our families, and for peace in the world. Members commit to their own hour, and day. For more information, or to change your hour, please contact Becki Brigandi at [email protected] or 904.377.3827 and leave a message.
Vladivostok Mission The group is supporting the mission and parish in Vladivostok and surrounding area. The mission is rebuilding the Catholic Church in Russia and helping many social programs; homeless kids, alcoholics anonymous, pro-life centers, elderly care, and more. For more information, please call Janie at 702.362.2277.